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Agent-based design for Grasshopper.

How to Contribute to the Development of Quelea

If you are interested in creating your own behaviors or forces and want others to be able to use the components you create, you can become a contributor to the Quelea repo on GitHub. Install Git Fork the repo Clone the repo Install Visual Studio (free for students) Open the .sln file in your cloned..

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Polysurface Environments

Polysurface environments allow you to restrict the particle’s position to a series of joined surfaces, or breps. Unlike surface environments, which map the agent’s position to a 2d plane representing the bounds of the surface, polysurface environments act in 3D space, so the particle’s position is really that 3 dimensional point you see. This means..

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Swarm Intelligence by James Kennedy and Russell C Eberhart – Notes

Preface Intelligence “arises from interactions among individuals.” pg xiii Heuristics – “shortcuts to speed up the process of sorting through possibilities.” “Programs that search through a geographical map can be easily adapted to explore deductive threads in other domains.” – particle swarm optimizations among them. pg xiv “Agent subroutines may pass information back and forth,..

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Particle Swarm Optimization

Particle swarm optimization -“utilizes a ‘population’ of candidate solutions to evolve to an optimal or near-optimal solution to a problem. -“The degree of optimality is measured by a fitness function defined by the user.” -“differs from evolutionary computation methods in the the population members, called particles, are flown through the problem hyperspace.” -initialized with random..

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Quelea uses the word ‘system’ in place of what would be called a swarm in previous swarm intelligence writings. Swarm seems to bring with it a notion of a large number of undesirable small insects whereas in Quelea, systems can have as few as one quelea which could represent any number of different quelea types..

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Swarm Intelligence -“included application areas are simulation, control, and diagnostic systems in engineering and computer science.” (xxi, Kennedy et al., 2001) Swarms have applications in “understand intelligence and aspects of culture”, and optimizations. (xvi, Kennedy et al., 2001)

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Particle Systems – notes

“A particle system is a collection of many many minute particles that together represent a fuzzy object. Over a period of time, particles are generated into a system, move and change from within the system, and die from the system.” —William Reeves, “Particle Systems—A Technique for Modeling a Class of Fuzzy Objects,” ACM Transactions on..

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Polymorphism in Quelea: Particles, Agents, & Vehicles

Polymorphism is a software engineering term that is easily defineable from its latin roots: ‘poly’ meaning many and ‘morph’ meaning forms. So I define a quelea as an encompassing term for anything that has a position and can move. A particle is the simplest object in the hierarchy of types in Quelea. An individual particle are..

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